Thursday, 24 September 2015

FACTS about dinosaurs

Here is a list of a few facts about a few different dinosaurs:


The tyrannosaurus rex is one of the most common known dinosaurs to people today. They are known for their size and vicious look. They were up to 40 feet long and 15-20 feet tall, however, they had really small arms and walked on their hind legs. They had huge skulls and huge teeth that could grip and tear the flesh of other animals.

The triceratops is another well known dinosaur. It had a similar shape to a rhinoceros with three horns on its face. The triceratops was another large dinosaur. They could be up to 30 feet long and 10 feet tall, however, they were known for their huge skulls and in some cases they were up to a third of the size of their full body.


The stegosaurus in my opinion is the most interesting and significant dinosaur because of its different features. They were up to 30 feet long and 9 feet tall. The stegosaurus's main feature was its bony plates that stuck out of its back. These were significant because scientists believe that they contained blood vessels and were there to help control body temperature.

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